Care instructions
Perfect detergent
Only use heavy-duty detergents or all-purpose detergents for non-sensitive laundry because these detergents usually contain bleaching agents and optical brighteners.
For coloured textiles, use colour detergents which do not contain bleaching agents and optical brighteners.
Special detergents
Sports detergent: Suitable for outdoor or functional clothing that easily takes on odours. The detergent contains an odour binder and so neutralises odours. Wool detergent: Wool is sensitive, it tends to mat. The wool detergent does not contain enzymes that attack the fibre and the neutral pH protects the structure of the fibre.
Did you know that pollen can be easily removed from fabric with a hoover or adhesive tape? Do not rub under any circumstances.
Wash out fresh blood stains immediately with cold water, stubborn stains in salt water.
If possible, dry the washed clothes without a tumble dryer. The clothes are protected by this drying process and thus remain beautiful for longer. Hanging clothes can be secured with clothes pegs. Pay attention to the position so that the marks of the clips are not in inappropriate places. Always let knitwear dry lying down if possible.